The proposed vector propulsion technology can effectively change the dilemma of weak rudder efficiency of underwater vehicle at low speed. Due to the vectorization of thrust, the underwater vehicle is equipped with direct thrust deflection ability, so that it has excellent maneuvering ability. Based on three linear electric cylinders + ball cage universal joint, this paper will focus on vector control technology. The innovation of this topic is that the propulsion motor does not need to be loaded in the deflection motion mechanism, but can be mounted inside the vehicle, and then the torque is coupled to the vector rudder deflection mechanism, thus breaking the volume and weight limits of the vector propulsion motor, and providing a solution for the development of high-power vector propulsion device. Simulation results and experiments show that the vector propulsion technology in this topic is stable and controllable, and can realize the deflection of the propeller in the two degrees of freedom direction of pitch and yaw of ±15°, so as to achieve the vectorization of thrust, control accuracy of ±0.2°/1° and speed of 15°/s.
2025,47(2): 17-24 收稿日期:2024-3-6
作者简介:罗鹏(1988 –),男,硕士,工程师,研究方向为水下航行器能源电动力和控制技术
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