A solution is proposed to address the technical issue of diesel engine fuel and lubricating oil pipelines being unable to meet the extreme usage requirements during the disembarkation and landing processes of airdrop boats: the combination of normally open direct solenoid valve and power delay relay, and the special pipe with inclined porous partition. This scheme effectively solves the problem of oil seepage and oil bubble generation in the limit state, and meets the demand of remote control of the power system after the landing. Through the practical application and verification of rigid assault boats, this improvement measure not only enhances the practicality of airdrop boats, but also has important guiding significance for practical design work.
2025,47(2): 41-44 收稿日期:2024-3-29
作者简介:郭昂(1987 – ),男,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为高性能船艇设计
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