In order to improve the safety of maritime cargo transportation, a six degree of freedom wave compensation mechanism structure design scheme based on rope traction parallel device is proposed. Taking the fourth level sea conditions as the background and increasing the workspace as the goal, under the compensation requirements and anti swing constraints, Matlab software was used to solve the feasible workspace of force spinors and anti swing trajectories of multiple sets of different parameter mechanisms in the roll and pitch directions, and to compare and analyze the optimized mechanism parameters one by one. Finally, the correctness of the simulation conclusion was verified through prototype experiments, proving that the mechanism has sufficient wave compensation ability and can completely eliminate load swing under the fourth level sea conditions.
2025,47(2): 59-65 收稿日期:2024-3-31
作者简介:陶利民(1964 – ),男,研究员,研究方向为状态监控与故障诊断、振动与噪声控制
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