起重船是海洋工程领域的重要辅助船舶,主起重机为起重船的核心装备,保证其在各工况下安全作业是起重船设计的重中之重。本文以某5000 t起重船为研究对象,为提升该起重船尾吊作业能力并保证安全,在船体主甲板中部位置设置有背拉系固设备,并为保证甲板载货面积不受影响,该设备所在区域甲板开口做下沉式处理。由于系固设备位置特殊,为了避免设备背拉基座及甲板开口区域出现结构型损伤,采用有限元方法针对设备基座在有无总纵弯矩作用下进行强度分析。计算结果表明,在总纵弯矩作用下,船中甲板开口角隅及背拉设备基座加强结构出现明显的应力集中情况。根据有限元结果对该区域结构进行优化设计,优化后整体应力情况得到明显改善,相关内容可为后续相关船型设计提供参考,具有一定的工程参考意义。
The crane is an important auxiliary ship in the field of ocean engineering, and the main crane is the core equipment of the crane, ensuring its safe operation under various working conditions is the weight of the crane. In this paper, a 5000 t crane as the object of study, in order to improve the stern lifting capacity of the crane and ensure safety, in the middle of the main deck of the hull pull the tethered equipment, and to ensure that the deck loading area is not affected, the deck opening of the area where the equipment is located to do sinking treatment. Due to the special position of the securing device, the structural damage of the equipment base and the deck opening area, the finite element method is used to analyze the strength of the equipment base under the action of whether the total longitudinal bending moment. Result shows that under the action of the total longitudinal bending, the stress concentration of the middle deck and the strengthening structure of the equipment base appears obviously. According to the optimization design of the finite element results or the structure, the overall stress situation has been significantly improved after optimization, and the relevant content can provide a reference for the subsequent relevant ship type design, with a certain reference significance.
2025,47(2): 66-73 收稿日期:2024-4-9
作者简介:刘飞飞(1997 – ),男,硕士,助理工程师, 研究方向为船舶与海洋工程结构设计
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