T-foil is widely used in the field of ship engineering because of its excellent anti-pitching characteristics. However, the lift generated by the T-foil at work is much smaller than the restoring moment of the ship, which restricts the anti-rolling effect of the T-foil. In this paper, it is proposed to install vortex generators (VGs) on the suction surface of the T-wing to provide greater lift for the hull. By exploring the influence of VGs on the lift-drag coefficient and flow field during airfoil stall, it is proved that VGs can increase the maximum lift coefficient of the airfoil, delay the airfoil stall and effectively reduce the drag. The hydrodynamic performance of the planing craft mother ship and the planing craft in the conventional T-wing / high-lift T-wing is numerically simulated. The overall lift of the planing craft after the installation of the high-lift T-wing is 18 % higher than that after the installation of the conventional T-wing, and the resistance is reduced by 17 %. By comparing the hull resistance and motion prediction response before and after the installation of the high-lift T-wing, the application effect of the high-lift T-wing is verified.
2025,47(2): 74-79 收稿日期:2024-3-25
作者简介:卓悦悦(1996 – ),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为船舶与海洋结构物水动力性能
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