During the lifting operations of slender payload at sea, the process of lifting the payload from a horizontally placed position until it leaves the ground can lead to unexpected slipping of the slender payload due to the impact of factors such as the movement of the ship, causing damage to the cargo or the ship and even posing a threat to the safety of the workers. Therefore, this paper investigates the single-point lifting process of slender payload at sea. Firstly, through static analysis, the limiting conditions under which the slender payload do not slip are discussed, and the regions within the working space where the slender rods do not slide are analysed. Then, through dynamic analysis, the impact of different friction coefficients, lifting speeds, and ship motions on the safe working space is analyzed using Matlab/Simulink. Finally, through lifting experiments, the friction coefficient between the slender rods and the ground when sliding occurs is measured. The results of the analysis allow operators to better control the crane's posture and lifting speed to prevent the slipping of slender payload, and also provide a theoretical basis for the optimization and control strategy research of the lifting process of slender payload at sea.
2025,47(2): 88-95 收稿日期:2024-3-20
作者简介:孙泽文(1998 – ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为船舶机电一体化
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