Based on the problem that the PID control method can not achieve the ideal anti-rolling effect of the fin stabilizer zero speed system, this paper analyzes the function of the improved single neuron adaptive controller, which fundamentally improves the nonlinear disposal force without increasing the complexity of the neuron structure. In order to reduce the demand for the zero speed servo drive system of fin stabilizer, the parameter adaptive regulation of neurons is carried out on-line according to the optimal quadratic target theory in control. Indirect restrictions on driving power are carried out. The stability of the Lyapunov system under the condition of this control method is verified, and compared with the PID control method under different sea conditions, which shows that this method has a strong advantage and ability to solve the nonlinear control problem of zero speed of fin stabilizer.
2025,47(2): 96-100 收稿日期:2024-3-4
作者简介:李成海(1965 – ),男,教授/正高级船长,研究方向为海上航行安全
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