During operation, the offshore gangway will sway greatly due to the disturbance of loads such as wind, waves, and currents, which greatly reduces the safety of the operation. Aiming at this problem, a three-degree-of-freedom offshore gangway test bench with motion compensation capability is designed. The article first establishes the irregular wave model and the kinematics mathematical model of the offshore gangway. A dynamic model of the experimental rig is established based on the Langrangian method, and Adams was used to simulate and analyze the dynamics of the test rig, and set up a test bench for experimental research. The experimental results verify that the design of the three-degree-of-freedom stable gallery bridge test bench is reasonable and has a good motion compensation effect.
2025,47(2): 101-106 收稿日期:2024-2-23
作者简介:邱建超(1997 – ),男,硕士,助理工程师,研究方向为工程设计、动力机械试验
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