Aerodynamic performance tests of a marine gas turbine with two sets of turbine guide vanes were carried out on a sector cascade test rig under different incidences, which is aimed to verify the effects of 3D optimal design and to explore the blade profile suitable for the working characteristics of a marine gas turbine. The flow field at the cascade outlet were measured by five-hole probe. The pressure on the blade profile at different blade heights was measured by the pressure measuring hole on the blade surface. The velocity field and total pressure loss distribution at the guide vane outlet section were analyzed. The pressure distribution at hub, middle and tip guide vane height were shown under different incidences. The pitch average outlet flow angle and total pressure loss distribution along blade height at the guide vane outlet were analyzed. The experimental results show the pressure distribution along the blade height is more uniform and the blade load is optimized from front-loaded to rear-loaded after optimization of guide vane profile. The total pressure loss of the guide vane is significantly reduced within the range of –10° to +10° angles of incidence, and has a better adaptability of incidence. The optimization of guide vane profile was successful. It is very suitable for the marine gas turbine with frequent changes in working conditions.
2025,47(2): 113-119 收稿日期:2024-3-29
作者简介:牛夕莹(1983 – ),男,博士,研究员,研究方向为船用及工业中小型燃气轮机
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