Thermoelectric generator system based on thermoelectric materials has the advantages of being static, wear-free and compact, but due to the performance mismatch of thermoelectric generator system and the heat exchanger's and the irrational design of the system, there is a discount in the performance of thermoelectric generator system. By coupling liquid metal heat exchanger, which has excellent heat transfer capability, thermoelectric power generation devices and chilling plate, High temperature difference, high heat flow density and low thermal resistance of thermoelectric generator system can be efficiently met. This thesis establishes a three-dimensional multi-physics field coupling model covering heat, solid, flow and electricity for thermoelectric generator system, with which the optimal operating current of thermoelectric device and the influence of water-cooled plate material was analyzed, and influence of different flow medium inlet conditions on the electric output performance of thermoelectric generator system.
2025,47(2): 127-131 收稿日期:2024-4-7
作者简介:季晨龙(1988 – ),男,工程师,研究方向为舰船核动力装置
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