To accurately analyze the quality of ship acoustic stealth performance, aimed at horizontally folded line model and three-point parametric model of limit value curve of ship noise frequency band level, the frequency domain expression of ship noise total sound level is derived under the condition of different noise control point parameters. Based on above, the quantitative calculation of ship noise sound source level is carried out, and the variation relations among ship noise level, noise control point spectral level and control frequency point are revealed through numerical simulation. Meanwhile the dependency relations among limit value curve model of ship noise frequency band level, sonar quality factor and detection range are researched from the perspective of underwater acoustic detection, and the acoustic stealth performance of limit value curve model of ship noise frequency band level is analyzed and evaluated, which could provide guidance for the scheme design and improvement of ship noise control.
2025,47(2): 145-151 收稿日期:2024-1-14
作者简介:胡鹏涛(1980 – ),男,博士,高级工程师,研究方向为舰船噪声测试与分析
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