针对传统宽带数字波束形成器精度低、主瓣误差大及自导系统中DSP算力紧张的问题,研究一种基于FPGA的鱼雷自导波束形成实现方法。首先介绍最小差异恒定主瓣波束形成算法,通过将优化变量与求解变量相联系,解决了传统算法中波束响应依赖期望主瓣响应的问题,实现由确定到自适应的转化。然后设计基于FPGA的数字波束形成系统结构,完成滤波器模块的建模、综合和实现。最后完成基于FPGA的波束形成实验。通过实验证明, FPGA处理结果与Matlab仿真数据结果误差在10-1量级,信号还原率较高。为波束形成在FPGA硬件设计中的正确性和可靠性提供依据。
A FPGA based torpedo self-directed beam formation implementation technique was examined to address the issues of low accuracy of conventional broadband digital beam former, significant main valve error, and DSP computation tension in self-propelled systems.First, the minimum difference constant main valve beam forming algorithm was introduced. This algorithm solves the problem of the wave response depending on the expected primary valve response in the traditional algorithm, thereby achieving the transformation from determined to adaptive. The optimized variable in the algorithm is linked to the solving variable.The filter module is then fully modeled, synthesized, and implemented through the design of the FPGA based digital beam forming system structure.The experiment on beam creation using FPGA was finally finished.The FPGA processing result and the Matlab simulation data result in error at 10-1 scale, and the signal recovery rate is higher—both of which have been demonstrated experimentally.It offers the foundation for beam formation's precision and dependability in the FPGA hardware design.
2025,47(2): 159-166 收稿日期:2024-3-15
作者简介:杨子锐(1998 – ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为水下信号处理
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