Ship movement behavior and characteristic laws can be grasped by clustering AIS ship data. However, the similarity described by distance in trajectory clustering cannot continuously characterize the degree of similarity between trajectories, and it is sensitive to the noise points in the trajectory and cannot distinguish the direction of the trajectory. To address the aforementioned issues, the method of ship traffic trajectory clustering based on degree of similarity and density with noise is proposed. It constructs course over ground segment-path distances and formulates trajectory similarity functions. Furthermore, a comprehensive evaluation index is defined based on the distribution characteristics of trajectory similarity. A framework for determining the optimal parameters adaptively is constructed. Finally, using AIS data from the Yangtze River estuary as a case study, this research clusters eight trajectory clusters with distinct directions based on the established optimal parameters, aligning well with real vessel navigational routes. Experimental findings underscore the method's capacity to swiftly determine optimal clustering parameters and effectively cluster trajectories across diverse motion directions, thereby facilitating feature trajectory extraction and route identification, consequently offering robust technical underpinnings for intelligent navigation.
2025,47(2): 178-184 收稿日期:2024-4-14
作者简介:杨家轩(1981 – ),男,博士,教授,研究方向为交通信息工程及控制、航海安全保障
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