钛合金球柱结合壳形成的耐压结构在海洋资源开发装备等的应用上不断增加。一般钛合金球柱结合壳由半球壳和柱壳焊接加工而成,其焊接残余应力可能会对耐压结构的强度产生影响,易导致结构的安全性问题。本文首先基于热弹塑性基本原理,使用Ansys APDL二次开发程序,将给定温度法和生死单元法结合,计算钛合金对接焊平板焊后残余应力,并将其与相关文献进行比较研究;在两者结果较为一致的基础上,采用同样的方法研究钛合金球柱结合壳环焊缝残余应力,同时对其进行焊后热处理数值仿真。结果表明,钛合金球柱结合壳内壳表面横向残余应力呈双峰分布,而外壳表面具有较大横向压应力,内外壳表面均具有较大的纵向残余应力。焊后热处理能大程度消除焊后残余应力。研究内容对工程中球柱形耐压结构的设计制造具有指导意义。
The pressure structure formed by titanium alloy sphere-cylinder combined shell is increasing in the application of marine resource development equipment. Generally, the titanium alloy spherical-cylinder combined shell is made by welding the hemispherical shell and the cylindrical shell. The welding residual stress may affect the strength of the pressure structure and easily bring potential safety hazard to the structure. In this paper, based on the basic theory of thermal elastic plasticity, Ansys APDL secondary development program is used to combine the given temperature method with the birth and death element method to numerically simulate the residual stress of titanium alloy butt welded thick plate, and then this paper compare it with the relevant literature test results. On the basis of the similar conclusions, the residual stress of the circumferential weld of the titanium alloy sphere-cylinder combined shell was studied by the same method, and the post-weld heat treatment was simulated. The results show that the transverse residual stress of the inner shell of the titanium alloy sphere-cylinder combined shell is bimodal distribution, with large longitudinal residual stress. The surface of the inner and outer shells has large longitudinal residual stress. Post-weld heat treatment can greatly eliminate post-weld residual stress. The research content of this paper has guiding significance for the design and manufacture of spherical column pressure structure in engineering.
2025,47(3): 13-19 收稿日期:2024-3-7
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