In the assessment of ship structural safety, there are numerous uncertain factors, and employing deterministic methods for evaluation has limitations. To reasonably evaluate the safety of in-service ship structures, a structural reliability assessment method based on multiple failure modes is proposed. Taking hull yielding and fatigue failure as examples, the stress time history of the ship′s structural hotspot is solved based on the time-domain method. Separate limit state equations for hull yielding and fatigue reliability analysis are established. Building on the theory of reliability calculation for single failure modes, considering series systems, the failure probabilities of the structural hotspot and the overall system are computed under multiple failure modes. The results indicate that the failure probability of the ship's structural system considering multiple failure modes is significantly higher than the failure probability under a single failure mode. If the maximum failure probability of a single component is used to represent the overall system failure probability, the safety performance of the ship's structure will be overestimated. This approach can be further enhanced by introducing new failure modes, providing a reference for refining the reliability assessment of ship structural systems under multiple failure modes in the future.
2025,47(3): 20-24 收稿日期:2024-3-25
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