当水下发射装置盖板开闭时,冲击引发的结构振动传递给壳体后会激发较大的辐射噪声。通过设计合理的缓冲结构,可有效降低冲击振动。通过对油缸运动过程分析,完成了活塞运动过程的受力及负载、加速度及速度变化分析;推导计算了3种结构形式缓冲过程中压力随位移变化规律;然后对各种方案的缓冲效果进行了计算,并分析了工作压力、缓冲腔压力、活塞运动速度、缓冲行程等主要参量对缓冲效果的影响规律。9 MPa油源压力下开启或关闭前盖时间≤10 s,缓冲机构样机振动加速度级较现有方式降低3~5 dB(5 Hz~10 kHz)。采用变阻尼孔与平面盘式缓冲结构形式相结合的缓冲结构优化方案,能在缓冲过程中基本实现活塞均匀减速运动,各项参数指标满足设计要求并能够解决缓冲最后阶段的压力脉冲和振动冲击。
When the cover of the underwater launcher is opened and closed, Shock-induced structural vibrations are transmitted to the housing, which excite large radiated noise. By designing a reasonable cushioning structure, the shock vibration can be effectively reduced. Through the analysis of the cylinder motion process, the analysis of the force and load, acceleration and speed change of the piston movement process was completed; The variation of pressure and displacement in the buffering process of three structural forms is deduced and calculated; Then, the buffering effect of various schemes was calculated, and the influence of the main parameters such as working pressure, buffer chamber pressure, piston movement speed, and buffer stroke on the buffering effect was analyzed. The time to open or close the front cover no more than 10 seconds under the 9 MPa pressure of the oil, The vibration acceleration stage of the prototype of the buffer mechanism is reduced by 3 dB~5 dB(5 Hz~10 kHz)compared with the existing method. The optimization scheme of the buffer structure combining the variable damping hole and the flat disc buffer structure can basically realize the uniform deceleration motion of the piston in the buffering process, and the parameters meet the design requirements and can solve the pressure pulse and vibration impact in the final stage of buffering.
2025,47(3): 64-71 收稿日期:2024-4-19
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