针对传统的船舶柴油机故障诊断方法难以快速准确定位故障的问题,提出一种基于流形学习结合智能算法的诊断模型。以MAN B&W 16 L/24型船用柴油机为研究对象,选用AVL-BOOST软件搭建仿真模型,对单缸喷油过多、喷油提前及气门正时故障进行模拟,再利用t-SNE对高维故障热工参数降维,并将新特征输入VNWOA-LSSVM分类模型。重复训练-测试结果表明,t-SNE-VNWOA-LSSVM故障诊断模型具有良好稳定性,且诊断精度可达98.67%。该智能诊断模型可作为船舶柴油机故障诊断的有效手段。
In view of the difficulty of the traditional fault diagnosis method of diesel engine to locate the fault problem quickly and accurately, a diagnosis model based on manifold learning combined with intelligent algorithm was proposed. Taking the MAN B&W 16 L/24 marine diesel engine as the research object, the AVL-BOOST software was selected to build a simulation model, and the single-cylinder over-injection, early injection and valve timing faults were simulated, and then the t-SNE was used to reduce the dimensionality of the high-dimensional fault thermal parameters, and the new features were input into the VNWOA-LSSVM classification model. The results show that the classification accuracy of the t-SNE-VNWOA-LSSVM fault diagnosis model is 98.67%, and it has good stability. The intelligent diagnosis model can be used as an effective means for fault diagnosis of marine diesel engine.
2025,47(3): 82-88 收稿日期:2024-4-3
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