为深入探究带缆水下机器人系统水动力与控制力的关系,设计一种水动力混编计算方法。首先引入脐带缆和水下机器人控制方程组,将机器人运动过程中合外力与脐带缆张力、螺旋桨推进力以及机器人主体水动力关联起来;其次设计收放脐带缆和调节螺旋桨转速的控制程序,最后将系统方程组求解程序、控制程序和水动力计算模块三者混编,形成水动力与控制力交互耦合计算方法。仿真计算结果表明,纵摇角、横摇角以及淹没深度仿真值与实验值误差分别为1°、0.5°和–50 mm;PID算法延迟对前馈调节机制产生影响,收放缆最大相对误差为15%,轨迹跟踪最大误差0.3 m。
A hybrid calculation method for hydrodynamic forces was designed to explore the relationship between hydrodynamic and control forces of tethered underwater robot system. Firstly the governing equations of umbilical cable and the underwater robot are introduced with relating the umbilical cable tension, propulsion from control propellers and the hydrodynamic loads on the robot body during the underwater robot moves. Then control programs of adjusting the umbilical cable length and regulating the rotating speeds of propellers are designed; finally the coupling interactive algorithm of mixing the equation solving program, the control program and the hydrodynamic calculation module is integrated. The simulation results shows that the errors about pitch, roll and submerged depth between numerical and experimental are 1°, 0.5° and –50 mm respectively. The maximum relative error of adjusting the cable length is about 15% which affected by the delay of PID algorithm and the maximum absolute error of trajectory tracking is 0.3 m.
2025,47(3): 101-110 收稿日期:2024-4-24
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