Collective autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) technology is in sore need. Researches on collective AUV technology can improve the operation efficiency of unknow ocean environment and avoid the human safety problem, which plays a significant role in applications such as ocean resource exploration and ocean search and rescue. High-efficient detection of specific targets via collective behavior of multi-AUV is a great challenge under the unknown, complex underwater environment. Key technologies on the underwater collective detecting behavior are studied, in which topological, biological, dynamical, and learning-based modelling methods, organized and self-organized collective behavior planning methods, as well as model and data-driven collaborative control methods are analyzed. Analysis results indicates that underwater collective interaction linked with detecting information, collective detecting behavior strategy via strong interpretable learning method, and behavior control combining dynamic models and data are important developing trends.
2025,47(3): 111-116 收稿日期:2024-4-11
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