To address the issue of large errors in traditional Kalman filtering for SINS/DVL integrated navigation in complex water environments, a Lie group right error model is introduced and an adaptive robust algorithm is proposed. This algorithm, based on traditional filtering, modifies the measurement noise covariance matrix by constructing a weight matrix using the introduced measurement residue to solve the problem of filtering divergence, thus improving the algorithm's anti-interference ability. Through onboard experiments, the proposed robust filtering method improved position and velocity estimation errors by 56.3% and 69.1%, respectively, compared to traditional filtering, and by 7.9% and 12.5%, respectively, compared to conventional robust filtering. Research results show that utilizing adaptive robust algorithms on the basis of Lie group error model can effectively enhance the filtering's anti-interference capability.
2025,47(3): 123-128 收稿日期:2024-4-29
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