针对小型水下无人平台等水下设备对近距、高速率、低复杂度水下数据交互需求,设计一种高速率低复杂度水声通信方案。该方案采用PPM(Pulse Position Modulation)调制方式以直接硬件生成四相位时钟同步采样的方式实现低复杂度解调,从而降低对硬件算力的要求;同时,利用PPM调制中脉冲间隔形成的特点和脉冲信号的快速衰减特性抑制高频水声信道多径干扰,避免采用高复杂度的信道均衡处理。实验室水池实验表明了采用该方案的通信样机在米级距离达到Mbps级传输速率的有效性。
To meet the needs of short-range, high-speed and low-complexity underwater data transmission in small underwater unmanned platform, we design a low-complexity and high-data-rate underwater acoustic communication method. This method adopts pulse position modulation ,which is common in optical communication. In order to low complexity demodulate, we use hardware to direct generate four-phase clock for synchronous sampling, this method greatly reduce the requirements for hardware. Utilize the pulse interval in PPM modulation and the fast attenuation characteristics of pulse signal to suppress multipath interference in high-frequency underwater acoustic channel, and avoid to use high-complexity channel equalization processing. The experiment proves that the maximum data rate of the communicator using the method in this paper can reach Mbps at the distance of m level.
2025,47(3): 129-134 收稿日期:2024-4-8
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