For a long time, the launch dynamics of navy gun and artillery was studied only around the mechanical vibration system of the gunmount. However, due to the inherent small magnitude characteristics of structural damping, the damping design effect is not sufficient. Mostly,it can only predict the vibration response of existing gunmount after launching. The main role of gun servo system as a high damping subsystem in the gun vibration system is ignored. The viewpoint of ‘servo-and-mechanical coupling launch dynamics’ is prosposed. By measuring the muzzle vibration error under the condition of braking and with servo system driving gunmount during firing, a comparative analysis was conducted on the vibration parameters such as the damping ratio of mechanical vibration system and electromechanical vibration system. The results show that for the same equipment, the damping ratio, damping coefficient, and vibration attenuation time of the servo system participating in the gun vibration system are 4 times, 2.55 times, and 0.25 times higher than those relying solely on the mechanical vibration system, respectively. The servo system not only achieves the function of tracking and aiming targets driving guns, but also has the active vibration suppression function for the muzzle vibration. The coupled launch dynamics of electromechanical systems have greater engineering application value in promoting the improvement of engineering indicators of navy gun and artillery,especially electromagnetic railgun with greater recoil mass.
2025,47(3): 180-184 收稿日期:2024-4-7
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