叶片作为垂直轴风电机组的重要组成部分,是风电机组与外界风能相互作用的关键载体。基于CFD方法,采用动网格与重叠网格技术,对H型风机进行气动载荷计算。对额定风速下的风机高径比和密实度等重要气动参数进行敏感性分析。 结果表明,H型风机均在高径比为1.2,密实度为0.12下气动性能达到最优。翼型、叶片数量的变化对受力系数的影响较小,但对能量转换效果影响显著。研究可对垂直轴风机的参数优化提供理论指导。
As an important part of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), blade is the key carrier of the interaction between wind turbine and external wind energy.Based on CFD method, dynamic grid and overlapping grid technology are used to calculate the aerodynamic load of H-type VAWT. Conduct sensitivity analysis on important aerodynamic parameters such as height-to-diameter ratios and dense degree of VAWT at rated wind speed. The results show that the aerodynamic performance of H-type VAWT is optimal at the height-to-diameter ratio is 1.2 and the dense degree is 0.12.The change of airfoil and blade number have little influence on the force coefficient, but significantly affected the effect of energy conversion. This study provides theoretical guidance for the parameter optimization of the VAWT.
2025,47(4): 7-13 收稿日期:2024-5-15
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