In order to solve the particular issues of the design of adding cell guide system on multi-purpose vessels, studied main technical problems of the object ship from the aspects of container securing design, structure design, control of light weight and center of gravity. Calculated the container stack weight and forces acting on cell guides, put forward special arrangements such as super-thin supporting structure of cell guides, self-supporting cell guide, etc., verified the structure strength, stiffness and buckling performance, analyzed characteristics of collision damage of entry guides, optimized the structure form and the dimensions of structure members by CAE analysis methods, integrated controlled the lightship weight and center of gravity, introduced the applications. The results shown the design solutions can effectively improve the container stowing capacity and loading/unloading efficiency for the object ship type with zero loss of container slot, achieving structure safety, and providing new solutions for the design of container cell guide system.
2025,47(4): 27-32 收稿日期:2024-4-18
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