船舶空调通风管路噪声是影响船舶舱室舒适性的重要因素之一。本文采用STAR-CCM+软件对船舶空调通风系统中的典型构件即直角弯管的影响范围进行数值模拟,分析管内流场分布与管壁噪声源分布之间的相关性,研究不同管路参数对于弯管影响范围的影响。在此基础上,分别采用整体预报方法和分段预报方法对管路出口处的噪声值进行计算,2种方法的计算误差为4.34 dB,验证了分段预报方法的有效性。
Noise in air conditioning and ventilation pipeline is one of the main influence factors for the comfort of ship cabin. In this study, the numerical simulation on the influence range of elbow, the typical components in the air conditioning and ventilation system, is performed by using the software STAR-CCM+. The relationship between the flow field in the pipeline and the noise source distribution on the pipe wall is numerically analyzed. The effects of different parameters of pipe on the influence range of the elbow are investigated. Moreover, the global and the sectional prediction methods are separately used to calculate the noise at the pipeline outlet, and the difference between these two methods is about 4.34 dB, demonstrating the feasibility of the sectional prediction method.
2025,47(4): 40-44 收稿日期:2024-4-15
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