To address the problem of improving the operating accuracy of underwater robotic arms in complex water current environments, a slip membrane control strategy based on adaptive neural network is proposed. A kinetic model of a double-jointed underwater robotic arm applicable to the influence of constant and uniform water currents is constructed by using the Newton-Euler method in order to improve the model accuracy and fully consider the environmental factors in practical applications. In response to the errors and unpredictable external disturbances in the model, a sliding film controller incorporating an adaptive neural network is designed to effectively compensate for the errors brought about by model inaccuracies and resist multiple types of uncertain external disturbances, thus significantly improving the trajectory tracking speed and accuracy of the underwater robotic arm. Simulation experiments via the Matlab/Simulink platform show that, compared with the traditional PD sliding mode control algorithm, the proposed adaptive neural network sliding film control method greatly improves the tracking speed and accuracy of the underwater robotic arm under the uniform water current disturbances, and enhances the adaptability of the system in the face of dynamically changing water current conditions and model uncertainties. The implementation of this strategy not only improves the control accuracy and response speed, but also ensures the stability of the system, which provides a feasible solution for the application of underwater robotic arms in complex underwater operating environments, such as modernised sea ranches.
2025,47(4): 76-83 收稿日期:2024-4-25
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