大型起重船吃水大,为满足浅水作业需求,提出在船体两舷加装浮箱以减小吃水的方案。本文针对5500 t双臂架变幅式起重船加装浮箱水动力问题,建立数值仿真模型,对起重船加装浮箱后的水动力性能和浮箱与船体之间连接处的载荷进行研究,对加装浮箱前后的浮态稳性、水动力系数进行计算,并通过时域模拟分析作业工况时的运动预报和连接载荷。研究结果可为该型起重船的加装浮箱设计提供参考。
Large crane ships have a deep draft, and in order to meet the requirements of shallow water operations, a solution of installing float boxes on both sides of the hull to reduce the draft is proposed. In this paper, a numerical simulation model is established for the hydrodynamic problems of a 5500-ton double-arm slewing crane ship with installed float boxes. The water dynamic performance and the load on the connection point between the float boxes and the hull after installation are studied. The floating stability, hydrodynamic coefficients before and after the installation of the float boxes are calculated, and the motion prediction and connection point load during operational conditions are analyzed through time-domain simulation. The research results can provide reference for the design of float box installation for this type of crane ship.
2025,47(4): 84-90 收稿日期:2024-4-28
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