针对水下声学图像获取难度大、优质数据少的问题,提出一种参数高效微调Stable Diffusion的侧扫声呐图像数据集扩充方法。旨在提升数据集质量与多样性,进而改善基于深度学习的舰船侧扫声呐目标检测系统的性能。首先冻结预训练模型全连接层的权重,随后注入可训练的秩分解矩阵(Rank Decomposition Matrices),最后嵌入提示词生成图像样本。实验结果表明,相比于目前主流基于CycleGAN的方法,提出的方法生成了更高质量、多样化、稳定的侧扫声呐图像。此外,数据集扩充后,多种主流的目标检测算法性能均有所增强,YOLOv8n的mAP@0.5提升了22.9%,证明了该方法的有效性。
A parameter-efficient fine-tuning steady-state diffusion model for side scan sonar image dataset expansion is proposed to address the difficulty of obtaining underwater acoustic images and the lack of high-quality data. The aim is to enhance both the quality and diversity of the dataset, thereby improving the performance of the deep learning-based ship side-scan sonar target detection system. Firstly, freeze the weights of the fully connected layers of the pre-trained model. Then, trainable rank decomposition matrices are injected. Finally, embed prompt words to generate image samples. The experimental results show that compared to the current mainstream CycleGAN based methods, the proposed method achieves higher quality, diversity, and stability in generating side scan sonar images. In addition, after the expansion of the dataset, the performance of various mainstream target detection algorithms is improved, and the mAP@0.5 of YOLOv8n is improved by 22.9%, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.
2025,47(4): 137-142 收稿日期:2024-3-11
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