单桩式风机塔筒是支撑整个风机叶片和机组的基础结构,其疲劳强度的稳定性和可靠性是风机设备安全运行的重要保障。本文以15 MW海上风机塔筒为对象,通过采用完全耦合的时域仿真程序,考虑实际环境条件,得出塔基的荷载和结构应力情况,并使用雨流计数法和Miner准则计算疲劳累积损伤。结果表明,波浪荷载引起的塔座疲劳损伤大于风荷载引起的疲劳损伤。在额定风速的环境条件下,考虑风浪错位的联合作用会导致塔基疲劳损伤最大。
The monopile wind turbine tower is the basic structure that supports the entire wind turbine blades and units, and the stability and reliability of its fatigue strength are important guarantees for the safe operation of wind turbine equipment and units. In this study, a 15 MW offshore wind turbine tower was used as the object, and the load and structural stress of the tower foundation were obtained by using a fully coupled time-domain simulation program, considering the actual environmental conditions, and the fatigue cumulative damage was calculated by using the rainflow counting method and the Miner criterion. The results show that the fatigue damage caused by wave load is greater than that caused by wind load. Under the environmental conditions of rated wind speed, considering the combined effect of wind and wave dislocation, the fatigue damage of the tower foundation will be the greatest.
2025,47(4): 143-147 收稿日期:2024-4-16
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