To enhance the detection quality and efficiency of underwater multi-robot fish in unknown complex environments. A model and algorithm for immune collaborative environment detection based on T cell effector function are proposed. Firstly, a basic immune collaborative detection network model for multi-robot fish is constructed based on Jerne's idiotype immune network hypothesis. Then, an interconnected coupled immune detection network model for multi-robot fish is constructed on the basis of biological T cell effect. Finally, algorithm design and experimental testing are conducted. The experimental results indicate that, compared to the fully detection algorithm based on immune mechanism and the immune cooperative detection algorithm based on biological entropy, the algorithm proposed in this paper has an average increase in the coverage rate of 7.6%, a decrease in the average repeated detection rate of 32.8%, a decrease in the average detection steps of 11.6%, and a decrease in the average repeated detection steps of 24.7%. This validates the effectiveness of the immune collaborative detection network model of multi-robot fish in unknown complex environments.
2025,47(4): 154-162 收稿日期:2024-4-2
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