散货船结构轻量化设计与建造,是提升散货船性能重要途径之一。本文以64 000 DWT超灵便,最大型散货船为例,阐述了船体结构轻量化在设计和制造中所采用的方法和手段,通过对总体布置合理规划、结构合理布局、有限元直接强度计算替代规范法、船体建造控制等措施,实现了控制和减轻船体结构重量的目的。文中所述方法是本船设计和建造的经验总结,对提高船舶设计水平、设计类似船舶具有一定的借鉴和参考价值。
Structural light-weighting design and construction is one of the important ways to improve the performance of buck carrier. This article take the 64 000 DWT handymax carrier as a example, expound the methods which is used in the hull structural light-weighting design and construction, by reasonable planning the general arrangement and structural arrangement, replacing the rule calculation by finite element analysis, controlling hull construction level and so on. The methods mentioned in the article is summary of experience during the design and construction stage, which have some reference value for designing the similar ships.
2019,41(3): 51-54 收稿日期:2018-04-12
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