Using monitoring system is a reliable way to obtain the actual situation of the floating platform. It is very valuable to evaluate the platform safety as model test. The key development of monitoring system of floating platform was provided, and the monitoring system was successfully installed on the Nanhai Tiaozhan FPS in South China Sea, which included environmental conditions, platform motions and mooring system. The functions, including the remote control, monitoring system Internet plus data sharing, valuable monitoring and data transmission during the typhoon condition, were realized. Some typhoon data and more than 3 years monitoring information were obtained. The monitoring system and data could be provided as basis for safety assessment of the platform, support for design of deep water platform, offshore support or warning. This was the typical demonstration for the future application of the monitoring system. For next, the monitoring system and data are suggested to be used in research on the vortex induced motion (VIM) of a floating platform, which cannot be exactly numerical simulated but has a very large influence on the safety of the riser of the floating platform.
2019,41(3): 118-121 收稿日期:2018-05-14
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